11 April 2006


If anyone ever needs to analyse Java thread dumps, Samurai is the Beez Neez. No more squinting at less.


At 12/4/06 9:09 am, Blogger Rob said...

Hi Tom,

I noticed that it also does heap analysis. Unfortunately it doesn't do CPU profiling... well from what I can see.

Have you come across any good FOSS Java 1.5 profilers? I was using the Eclipse colorer profiler for 1.4, but it falls over with 1.5.


At 12/4/06 11:40 am, Blogger Tom Adams said...

Yeah the heap stuff is with GC logs, so it's after the fact. YourKit si the one I most often hear about that is OSS, but I've used JProfiler quite a bit and find it very nice.

At 12/4/06 6:54 pm, Blogger Andrew said...

YourKit is free for OS projects but isn't open source. It's not expensive though.


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