31 January 2003

Map of Terror

Just found this Map of Terror. The site is that of a fellow Aussie who seems to have the same take on this whole "War on Terror" thing as me (ie. it's a joke). On a similar note I saw a large tow truck the other day with a perspex "Infinite Justice" sign mounted on the front of the bonnet. Of course he had the obligatory US flag to hide behind mounted on the rear of the cab, as well as a large eagle.

28 January 2003

Bush coverup

Well seems like good ol' George has done it again (ie. something stupid), this time he's re-labeled a bunch of boxes stamped "Made in China" with "Made in America" (thanks Scot). Of course this wouldn't happen in Australia, we're far too un-patriotic for this kind of behaviour, or so says a random interviewee in a story aired over the weekend on the closing of Old Sydney Town - something along the lines of "They wouldn't stand for this in Ameria. They love their country and wouldn't let their history go down the drain". While I can support the need for this kind of history to be preserved, there's a lot of other history that needs to be sorted out also - eg. the stolen generation. To take this comment out of proportion, I'd hate to see us taking a more US-styled approach to everything we do (which unfortunately seems to be the approach we're headed down under the current government). I watched an old western on the weekend (Colt .45) staring Randolph Scott as the gunslinging hero, and began to think that maybe ol' Georgy boy considers himself such a hero, rescuing the town and getting the girl. I just hope America doesn't wich too fondly to be back in the good old days of the wild west where bad guys were hunted down and hung. One scene in the movie - where two gang members are brought into town by a deupty and the townsfolk demanded a hanging - reminded me of the current world climate. Hopefully common sense will prevail and see civil liberties retained instead of being erroded in the name of the "War on Terror".