11 August 2005

Brisbane MTB Links

10 August 2005

Ruby Links

So I don't forget them...


Big Up Front Design, been seeing too much of this recently. Naresh Jain has some comments that are quite interesting.

09 August 2005

Dependency Injection

Further to my post about doing the simplest thing (which turned into an Ioc/DI rant), Jim Weirich has a nice post about DI in dynamically typed languages, i.e. Ruby. The post starts off with a nice little intro to inversion, and moves onto examples in Ruby.

Quick links for today

  • This is neat, Google Maps can work off lat/long, so once you find your coords, you can plug them in: my house.
  • A couple of useful tools for doing conversions between different representations of the same thing, e.g. going from web service generated objects to domain. Morph and Lorentz (from TSS). I've been exploring a similar idea in JRDF, where I map between SableCC generated parser objects into my local representation of the same thing. I think generics will make my life easier here, but I'm yet to find the right syntax to allow me to do this.
  • POJO Application Frameworks: Spring Vs. EJB 3.0, enough said.
  • Sticky tests